Takeshi Naemura
The University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies / Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies Professor
Tomohiro Akagawa
The University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Part-time Lecture
Kosei Komatsu
The University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Part-time Lecture

iii exhibition has been held by III and GSII as an interdisciplinary and practical field of expression where students can learn how to realize, demonstrate or interpret their research and study. We, III and GSII, have developed its own distinctive approach to combine creative activities and research activities since its establishment in 2000. We are trying to create an exhibition which is open to community and which makes creative activities more innovative and research activities more practical.

iii exhibition EXTRA 2015 with the theme of “goodbye my body” was held in July and we considered how or what our body would be in the future, which is today exceeding its limits in all senses. Using the experience of EXTRA and its feedbacks, the question will be reconsidered now in the iii exhibition 2015, “Watashi (=me, myself) Extension”.

Please enjoy students’ results of considering body, technology and themselves, which are still rough but have infinite possibilities.

Haruto Murata
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies Kawaguchi Lab. M1
Takeshi Katayama
The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies Inaba/Okada Lab. M1

Twenty-six graduate students from diverse research areas take part in iii exhibition in this year. In this showcase, the students do planning and management of the whole event as well as make individual works -- both are very collaborative and creative work. We have overcome tough times together to build up this exhibition since April.

With various challenging works, I am looking forward to your visit. (Murata)

After the last exhibition entitled "Goodbye My Body" in June, we have discussed what kind of theme do we need for the next exhibition, then we struck with the word "Watashi Extension".

I hope this theme inspired artists to reinterpret the meaning of “me/ us” in various ways.

What kind of work will be created when we consider the change of "me, oneself (=Watashi) through the development of technology not as a “parting (goodbye)” but as an “extension”? Please enjoy your visit to the exhibition. (Katayama)


Teaching Staff

Takeshi Naemura
Shin Mizukoshi
Chuichi Arakawa
Tomohiro Akagawa
Kosei Komatsu


Haruto Murata


Takeshi Katayama

Work Advisor

Ryohei Fushimi
Momoko Miwa


Kazumasa Kaneko
Sohei Osawa
Kunio Kojima
Yuta Sakakibara


Hajime Kajita


Yuri Kusakabe
Miru Shinoda
Kohei Sugiyama
Tatsuki Tsushima
Momoka Nakayama
Tomoki Hori
Ayana Matsubara
Masaki Muto


Akira Nomoto
Kunitaka Takeuchi

Public Relations

Kazuki Asai
Kohei Ikeda
Sho Iwasaki
Nami Ogawa
Mitsuru Hakuta